Tag Archives: startup tips

Business discounts are everywhere, even if at first they’re invisible to the naked eye. Starting your own company is risky – there are so many things that must be thought out first, but the number one deciding factor of it all is MONEY! Can I afford this? How much would this/that cost? Start ups? Bank loans? The questions can be endless. I believe that knowledge is power, and business tips from any source you can find are well worth a read. Whether you are an employer, employee, or CEO, you must know where, why, and how your money is spent. If you don’t, you can plummet yourself into a deep hole of debt, one that will make you question the future of your company. Someone very smart once said, “Money makes the world go round.” – nowadays, it’s not just money, but debt, credit, and profit play a huge factor in deciding your future. Play smart!

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